Floor Dressing

A few weeks ago a friend of mine told me to come to her house and take a look at some of her kids clothes that she was going to donate. She wanted me to go through them and see if there was anything I wanted to use for my projects. I picked out a few pairs of pants, a few T-shirts, and a couple dresses. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with everything but I picked them because I liked the pattern of the fabric…….or the color.

Thanks Melanie 🙂

This week as I was organizing things for a trip to California I thought about what I wanted to work on while sitting on the plane and in the airports. I always bring a ‘project’ with me on trips. I decided that braiding T-shirts for a rug would be perfect! Now………..what did I want my rug to look like. I started going through my collection and decided that the two dresses would be great as part of a rug. So then I scrounged around some more and found some compimentary T-shirt scraps.

A few hours of cutting everything into strips and I am ready to go…………….

It’s done! My original post was March 30th.

I finished the rug on May 24th. It measures 40″ x 28″.

I LOVE it and kinda hope no one wants to buy it from me 🙂

It’s Bloomin’ Crazy Out There

I do not have a fancy camera. And even if I did pictures would not do these blooming trees and shrubs justice.

Each individual plant is beautiful on its own, but the real awesomeness is in driving down a road that is lined with them or driving past a house that has a yard full of them.

I did not get pictures of everything that bloomed. At first I thought “what is the point of taking pictures, I will never capture the amazingness of all this” so there are no pictures of the pear trees, the redbuds, or the cherry trees. Sorry 😦 But do to pressure from friends and family to post pictures I started pulling over on the side of the road when I could to take pictures. I even had a sweet old man ask me if I was having car trouble when I pulled over one day…….

And to think………the gardenias, magnolias and crape myrtles haven’t even started blooming yet…………


 MS = Multiple Sclerosis

A few weeks ago a friend of mine sent me a box of T-shirts left over from last years Bike MS. 

She asked me to make them into journals for her to raffle off at this years ride.

She has an MS connection.

Here’s her story…………

“My dad was first diagnosed when I was 3-4 years old. I didn’t know what that meant and my folks explained it but there was no worry, no urgency in their voice, just this is what’s happening and what we need to do. I grew up with my dad having good days and bad days, strong days and weak days. He was first put on a medication called betaciron (undoubtedly I spelled that wrong) where he had to give himself injections in his stomach. That was always fun to explain to my friends I’d have over “what’s your dad doing??? Doesn’t he know needles are bad????” (we were in D.A.R.E. at the time). But after a while, it seemed my friends started to understand and absorbed it into their daily lives.

My dads absent-remitting MS was held at bay for years, with his occasional MS attack that left him short of crippled for weeks. One particular attack had done long term, permanent damage and after the attack he had to use a cain to walk. Ever see your stone cold, stoic grandpa cry because his oldest son was slowly becoming disabled? I have. But still, we got through it. It was normal, every day life for us. But things continued to slowly get worse and the dam holding his MS and our family together threatened to break…

After being terminated from several jobs because his MS flare ups prevented him from doing or going to his job, he had finally accepted the fact that he was disabled and needed to start the long, painful process of applying, fighting for, and getting his federal disability. By this time we’d been in and out of welfare, barely scraping by. I was in high school then. Since my mom could not work (chronic back and heart problems) and my dad couldn’t, even if he wanted to (when applying for disability, you can’t work) I thought I’d get a job. I started working for DQ and that’s a terrible story in itself.

But with my trying to finish school, applying for college, I couldn’t work enough hours to cover our bills and rent. In late March of 2006, my parents were officially homeless. I moved in with some co-workers until I graduated. I was accepted at Alaska Pacific University for Marine Biology. However, getting together the money to go was as difficult as paying rent…

Luckily, I had applied for a few scholarships, one being from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society for $1,500 a semester. Wasn’t much, but it was a start.

I reluctantly left for college, knowing deep down that this is what my parents wanted and needed. I had been in Alaska a month when the APU financial aid office informed me that my scholarship from the MS Society had not been applied, they never received it. I called up the Greater Northwest Chapter of the MS Society and asked what had happened. “I haven’t received my scholarship from the society and it’s been a month since classes had started…” Kristin from the society replied “we tried to mail it but it was returned to us” “where’d you mail it to?” “your home address of course…” that’s was the first time since being in college I had to admit my folks were homeless and I had no home address. I explained to Kristin what had happened and was happening now. The only reason she believed me? She didn’t think someone would make that up. After that the MS Society stepped in.

When it felt like no one else even cared, the MS Society fed my family, helped put a roof over our heads and helped keep the power on all while putting me through school.

That’s why I volunteer for the MS Society, why I now work for them, why I started a walk team (Lady Divers of Alaska) and why I’m asking all my friends and family to help me reach my goal of $100 for people who were in the same situation I and my family was in.”

And here are the completed journals

The full view

Each journal will have a bookmark inside with this blogs address so they can see where their journal came from and the story behind it.

I am proud to know Jessie. She was a Marine Biology student at Alaska Pacific University when I worked there. She has since graduated and is doing wonderful things with her life.

You go girl!!!!

The Spirits Here Aren’t For Drinking


I made a delivery to one of my shops yesterday, Kindred Spirits, in Athens, Alabama

Fortunately the shop was not harmed by the recent tornado that passed though Athens.

The owner, Pam, shared with me that she has had people come into her shop thinking it was a liquor store. And that other people have avoided the shop because they thought it was a liquor store. Truly, there is nothing about the appearance of this lovely little log cabin that would ever make me think it was a place to buy my husband a bottle of Crown Royal.

I guess the word ‘spirits’ throws a few people off.

I will admit that spirits may have been consumed during the process of creating the items I dropped off.



I am so glad that Pam, her house, and her shop came away from last weekend unharmed.



More Tornado Pictures

In case you haven’t seen enough tornado damage pictures yet…..

This is the section of road that was closed down on Saturday when we drove around to see what had happened all around us. There is no doubt why this section of road was closed. The amount of destruction is amazing. This is the road I drive 3 or 4 times a week to go to the bank or the grocery store or the post office. It’s surreal to drive past all of this to do you normal everyday errands.


As I drove to a gardening job today I saw a bunch of inmates on the side of the road (along hwy 231/431) doing debris clean up. I thought that was a great idea!

I have turned my name in as a willing volunteer to help clean up but I haven’t heard back yet. I imagine the volunteer organizers are a little overwhelmed right now but I hope they will contact me at some point.

I sure hope our storm shelter shows up this week!


Danger Will Robinson!



When you move to the south you know there will be tornados.

Yesterday they were all around us. There was rain, and there was wind, and there was hail,

and there were tornados.

And out storm shelter will not arrive until next week.

Praying about tornados is a funny thing. You can’t say “please Lord, let the tornados go around me” because then you are saying that you would prefer something bad happen to someone else. I prayed for no tornados, that was not the plan. People very near by were hit by tornados. We will take a drive this morning to see what’s what. To our knowledge, no one in our area died and there were few injuries.


Meridianville and Hazel Green are about 5 miles form our house.

We had no power for about 6 hours yesterday and no internet until this morning.

We sat around and listened to the weather radio, grilled lunch on the BBQ, I worked on a rug I’m making and some journal covers, Michael read his book……. and we waited for the next round of storms to hit us.

At one point Michael started up the generator so we could recharge everything.

Michael and I just returned from a trip around the surrounding area. Pictures below.

Tha damage is so close.


Later in the day the second round started building. We were under tornado warnings again.

The power came back on.

We were able to see the storms heading straight for us on the television.

Again we were undamaged.

Our cousin Brian was supposed to spend the night with us on a cross-country trip…….the smart guy decided to go another direction. I don’t blame him.


Thank you to everyone who called and Facebooked to check up on us!





Have I mentioned that I love playing with trash?

A couple days ago I found a fun box on my porch……



About every 2 months I get one of these boxes from a group of roommates at Alaska Pacific University

Thank you Charlayna, Becky, Becca, Kyle & Adam

You guys rock!